
The premise of this project is simple: Each month I am reading at least one autobiography or  non-fiction/non-fiction inspired book written by a woman throughout 2017.

This idea was a late night new years resolution that I posted on Facebook and was then inspired to evolve into a year long commitment to learning as much as I can about women who have forged their own path in industries from government to ballet.

The blog component is a result of starting my first book and wanting to remember and share what I read and how it makes me feel as a young woman with every possibility ahead.

If you’re still reading (thanks first and foremost), I figure knowing a little more about the lady behind the letters is important to understanding the perspective from which each post is written.

So, hello! I’m Laura. I grew up in Indiana in a conservative town, blissfully unaware of the ideals I was surrounded by. I went to business school at Indiana University and studied Marketing, Sustainable Business, and Sociology (and met my best friends & favorite humans.)

I knew for a long time I wanted to move to New York, and the minute (okay 3 weeks) after I graduated I made the move with only an unpaid internship, a Craigslist apartment, and a can-do attitude to sustain me. It’s the best move I have ever made. I’m now settled in Brooklyn, a food publicist, and just as wide-eyed as the day I moved here.

Since I can remember my two guiding principles have been “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” and “Don’t force it” (you can thank my late father for that one, I apply it to literally everything from jobs to boys to choosing a restaurant.)  I’ll be keeping these in mind during this project as reminders to read stories that take me out of my comfort zone and to only write when I have something real to say. I’m not here to waste your time.

Here’s to 2017!